Geofencing in attendance
Telecalling module
Price list
Customer Search
Stock report
Bug fixing on checkout page
Lead onhold date selection
Dayplan summary
instant lead-> added subcategory and estimation
Sales report in tabular and graphical format
Minor bug fixings
Login page design change
KRA time entry excel download
KRA attachment
Emoji support in task history
Lead list dynamic filter
Lead list inline edit
Tour plan summary like schedular
Project enhancements
Service call time entry
Geofencing in attendance
Dayplan summary
Lead onhold date selection
Geofencing in checkin checkout
Sales report in tabular and graphical format
Minor bug fixings
Changes in Working Window
Team Creation from application
Owner name,Project, milestone added in Task detail screen
Copy message on long-press in task detail screen
Assignee selection in project task made configurable now
Added call feature for Leads and Lead Activities if a contact number is contained in it
New options provided on dashboard against Lead and Lead Activity
Minor bug fixing in attachments
Event visibility in application
Checkin checkout against KRA and Event
bug fixing in Information desk
Introducing new reports for analysing users' activity and performance in working hours
Reports-> Time Entry Report-> Weekly Time-Sheet Report+missing Time entry report
Reports-> Time Entry Report-> Team Workload Report
Introducing new Dashboards for easy and speedy analysis
Dashboards-> Lead Analysis
Dashboards-> Lead Estimation Analysis
Dashboards-> Task Dashboard
Email integration with Inquiry
Added filters in task list
Minor changes in task
Filter in telecalling
Minor changes in user management
Project Team member selection made configurable
Added filter, sorting, searching in Price List
Direct Excel download option in DAR report (Reports-> Activity Report-> DAR Report)
New Attendance Report (Reports-> Attendance Reports)
Added multi selection product and client in Customer Product Level wise History report
Minor changes in Lead Quotation
Task/KRA/Service call/Lead/Event created rights wise
Document attachment indication list on Task/Lead/Service/Event
Changes in Inquiry forms
New order module
CC feature in Task
Video attachment in task
Minor bug fixings
Time zone (change from settings)
Introducing new reports for analysing users' activity and performance in working hours
New DAR report (Reports-> Activity reports-> DAR report)
CC and follower feature in Task
Addition of Department and GSTNo fields in Client form
Time zone (change from globe icon)
Check List in Task
Tag in Task
Sub Work Type in Task
Time Entry Type In Time Entry(task, subtask, lead activity, service call)
Bug fixings in Approvals module
Working Dashboard Calendar
Improvement in price List
Minor bug fixing in attachments
Share Using Effezzient Feature (From Gallery You can share image)
Quick order module (selection from "Settings" Menu of Effezzient)
Telecalling dashboard (in Android)
Search client using mobile number
Instant task field addition: Project, milestone and client
Minor bug fixings
Cross milestone dependency in project
Item master changes (Active, Active product)
Price list changes
Customer Reassign
Checklist in Task
Tag in Task
Sub worktype in task
Time entry type (Task, subtask, lead activity, KRA, Event)
Task list dynamic filter
Attendance Report (showing leave with different color)
Team workload report (Added new detail view)
Task name suggestions
Task complete/resolve celebration
Task dashboard
Project Dashboard
Team lead Dashboard
Customer Dashboard
KRA Dashboard
Feedback Dashboard
Order Dashboard
Need To Allow Change Password For L R User
Tour Plan, Travel Expense, Pob - Hide From Call Dashboard
Monthly Assessment Report (tick On Kra Not Working)
Check-in checkout for Kra
Call dashboard (remove tour plan, travel expense, POB)
KRA status (not started, Running, Pending, Completed)
KRA point feature
KRA report
Attendance report for all User
No Notification For Lead Reminder (if App Is Running In Background)
Add "Short Time" leave in Leave module
Add group selection option in Assignee field in Lead module
Add Lead description field in Lead list
Attendance report as per given format