Effezzient Sales Workflow

This document describes the workflow of Effezzient Sales module with details of each and every functional aspect

Below are the details of the Sales workflow in Effezzient

Tour Plan

This section lists down the steps to create and approve a tour plan

As per Company rule, individual Sales Person will fill a Tour Plan for Day(s)/Week/Month in advance.

After the Pre-configured duration, Sales Person cannot add/updated Tour Plan for that duration.

All the filled Tour Plan will be displayed to Reporting authority based on pre-configured reporting hierarchy.

Reporting authority will approve/reject all pre-filled Tour Plans.

Individual Sales Person will receive an Email notification for the tour approval/rejection.

Sales Person will have to resubmit the rejected Tour Plan after making suggested corrections.

Daily Activities

This section lists down the various daily activities and relevant steps to perform them.


On the planned day, Sales Person will have to mark his attendance by submitting a Day-In from a Mobile App/Web application.


When a Sales Person will visit a Customer, s/he will have to perform a Check-In from a Mobile App/Web application.

Sales Person can perform a Check-In only if s/he has submitted the Tour Plan for that day, is approved and after marking a Day-In.

At the time of Check-In, Sales Person will have to select a visit objective like Demo, Cold call, Price negotiation etc.


After s/he completes Visit, s/he will have to perform a Check-Out from a Mobile App/Web application.

At the time of Check-out, s/he can provide inputs for the below

Whether s/he could met the Visit objective selected at the time of Check-In
Sub-Visit objective based on Visit objective met.
Product s/he has shown to Customer
No of Catalogue/Sample s/he has provided to Customer
Next Visit Objective
Rating of this Visit (Not customer)
Option to place an order

After Check-Out, Sales Person can place an Order, if s/he has opted for it at the time of Check-Out.

In case, Sales Person has to perform any unplanned activity, s/he can still perform Check-In and Check-Out as mentioned above.

All the above activities performed by a Sales Person will be recorded in Daily Activity Report (Daily Sales Report).

Sales Person can place an order from the Daily Activity Report for Check-In Date.

Day Out

Sales Person has to mark a Day-Out at the end of the Day, when s/he completes his Work for the day.

After marking a Day-Out, s/he cannot perform a Check-In for that day.

He can still perform all other activities after Day-Out.

Travel Expense

Individual Sales Person can claim Travel Expenses for the Visit, only if s/he has performed Check-In for that Visit.

Sales Person can attach various documents for the Travel Expense like Travel ticket, Fuel bill, Hotel/Restaurant bills etc.

Sales Person can submit the expense details based on the pre-configured company policy for various type of expenses.

All the Travel Expenses will go for multi-level approval hierarchy as configured in the web application.

Approving authorities will approve/reject a Travel Expense request based on the approval hierarchy.

Direct Order

Sales Person can also place a Direct Order from Mobile App in case s/he receives a call from any Customer.

All such Direct Orders will not be considered as Visit and will not be reflected in Daily Activity Report.

Placing an Order

While placing an Order

Sales Person can select a Product form the list of Products.

He can apply filters on Products based on Product Name, Category and Sub-Category.

Any Product will have 3 prices namely Purchase Price, Base Price and Selling Price.

Sales Person cannot place an order for a Product with an amount less than Base Price, only if it is pre-configured for a Product.

Sales Person can apply a Discount by a percentage or fixed amount either on an individual Product or on an Invoice total.

Sales person can select a Distributor allocated to him.

Sales person can select an option of applied Efforts to achieve this Order.

Sales Person can set an expected deliver date.

Order List

Sales Person can see all the Orders, placed by him or his team reporting to him, from a Mobile App/Web Application.

Sales Person can see status of individual Order like Bill generated, Dispatched, Delivered etc.

Leave application

Sales Person can mark a leave from within the Mobile App. Leave for the specified duration and for various types of leave as pre-configured in the web application.

Applied leave(s) will be sent for an approval based on his approval hierarchy.

Sales Person can also see pending leave balance while applying a leave.

Sale Person neither can perform Day-In/Day-Out and Check-In/Check-Out for the leave date, nor can s/he apply for a Travel Expense.

New Customer

Sales Person can create a new Customer and it's Contact Person from Mobile App/Web Application

Newly created Customer will be sent for an Approval based on approval hierarchy.

Sales Person can for all activities for the newly created customers even if it is not approved.

Sales Person can view a report of new Customers count from the Web application.

Marketing Material

See the below screenshot for marketing material you can view and share marketing material to customer who needed for product information.

After clicking on marketing material screen will be display as below.